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Fountains of Living Waters Int'l
He will lead them unto Living Fountains of Water- Rev. 7:17
May you be blessed, enlightened and encouraged with Truth shared from God's Word!

POWERFUL BOOKS to strengthen your walk with the LORD: available in Amazon kindle and paperback versions. Contact author for other media options.

Sound Doctrine:
Essential Christian doctrine by which we can know and follow the LORD. Amazon link: HERE

Rapture Revelation:
What the Bible teaches about the soon coming of Jesus to rescue His church! Amazon link: HERE

Eternal Security?
Are you "eternally secure" in your Christian walk? Find out the truth! Amazon link: HERE
The Sufferings of Christ
The depth of God's love for you can only be measured by the extent of Christ's unfathomable suffering for you. Amazon link: HERE

Rapto Apocalipsis:
La Bendita Esperanza! Estamos en los últimos días y este libro le mostrará las señales de los tiempos y cómo estar listo para la venida del Señor. Enlace de Amazon AQUÍ

Video click HERE --1971 vision of the end of the world! Ann Rowan shares Pre-tribulation Rapture

Is this the Mark of the Beast? NO! But is it a precursor of the control the anti-Christ will wield during the tribulation. The true church will be Raptured before then. Click to watch video: HERE
Click HERE to see video.
Have you received the POWER
of the Holy Ghost? You CAN!!
Click HERE to hear message

End-time prophecy of Matthew 24 explained Video click HERE.

Message every Catholic
needs to hear! click HERE

Amazing death-bed miracle testimony! Click Here to watch




Meditation of the Word.

Quick overview of the Rapture and the book of Revelation- Click HERE

Click HERE to watch amazing fulfillment of Bible prophecies!

click HERE to see video

The church has been infiltrated by false prophets! BEWARE! Click HERE for video
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